My home is San Francisco. Even though I would love to travel the earth...there is no where that I would rather be. The art, the food, the people, the life...it's all here ready to taste on the tip of your earnest tongue. For some however, San Francisco is a place of high rent, high food, and people gettin' high as well. My mama fell victim to the first. Eviction. It wasn't necessarily due to high rent...But once she got evicted from her low income housing she was in dire need of somewhere to go...With a household of people and no immediate income, things where looking grim. A three bedroom, or a four bedroom was easily $2000 or more a month. I really am not prepared for what will happen next...
1 comment:
I never got around to say what i wanted to say about you in this pic....may the heavens open 2 transform..mellow moments..when it was new..like an arrival ..when life was new and improved...fresh ..like the aroma of spring..with it's birds singing..it's voice ringing and u Lannie..believing..there is a GOD..preparing for new beginnings...loveya...soooooo much. know..Queens NY.
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