As I was making my way to my seats last night I noticed a face. I inadvertently asked, "What's your name?" The woman answered, "Devorah." I rushed over and said, "You signed a book for me before." Devorah Major is a former San Francisco Poet Laureate. I heard her speak at a past poetry reading at the San Francisco Palace of the Arts. She was amazing...I should have spoke on it but at the time I just said hi and did it moving....
My seats were all the way in the back row. I hate back row seats but I didn't mind, I was still able to see Miss Toni Morrison, just not as good as I would have liked. She spoke on Obama and the energy it takes in which to write a nobel peace prize winning book. She mentioned that she never writes from what critics may mention about her. Although my friend was not as enthused about being there, she stayed awake, for some of the program. I bought a autographed copy of here new book "A mercy". I can't wait to see if she still has the skills tho pay the bills.
As i note in 2 your space..i incounter the air of discloser..the sweet smiles of love holding verse..not accomidating folklore...with a theme or title or exposure of wordsongs..recollection or quotations there of..this was
what your flower conveys..but
has no SPEECH to converse or collaborate poetry..i'm so happy for u othewise..was glad to see YOU BACK..TONI MORRISON IS WELL APPROVED AND DEVORAH AS WELL..I need not go any further..where are your poetry advocates..your people of rhyme..your audience of jazz and style..rhythm comes when the bird is in flight..find your NITCH please...quote:IMMA SEE THE WORLD AS A POET..I TAKE MY SHIT SERIOUS.....DO U NDADA??..SHAYLA
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